Thursday, July 8, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
SF design - for boys!
And here is how it would look in repeat:
Wish me luck!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Spoonflower Garden contest: my fabric design
A work friend had no idea I could draw and paint and asked me what kinds of Photoshop "stamps" I was using to make my designs, so I have to make sure I mention this is original art. Here is mine (and btw, you can vote for it by going to the Spoonflower Blog
Click the image for a much, much larger version.
If you vote you have to realize there are lots of entries. Lots. 10 pages worth in this contest. Just make sure if you vote you look thru all of them (I know 10 pages is sort of a time suck but really there are some really good designs within those 10 pages. Have fun.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Prelim Boba entry for Spoonflower
Boba makes these great baby carriers and they are working in tandem with Spoonflower to come up with a center panel for it, using someone's winning design.
The rules are that the fabric design needs to appeal to both children and parents alike. That's a hard one. Especially since it feels like Boba appeals to a certain sensibility. Hip and socially/environmentally conscious. So I'm not sure if I've hit upon the right design. Here it is below. Ignore the white strip, it's a placeholder where the cross-strap is sewn across the back. Also ignore the 3 little white lines, that will be gone. I'll be adding things over the weekend so it's not really finished but it is finished enough to show where I'm going with this.
My feeling is parents will be able to point out animals all over the panel. My kids loved looking for things and mimicking the animal. I hope to put enough animals on it to make it fun.
Oh, btw, the print is very small at the moment. I'm working small since my pc doesn't like me to work large. The best thing about vector work is I can resize without any loss of quality so enlarging it once I'm done will be pretty easy.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Spoonflower Steampunk designs - so many choices!
The second one is a gears and clock design that I think works well with the theme but it's also not as creative as I'd like it to be.
The third one is a portion of the first design. I removed the tethered birds, gave it a plain black background (and I have at least 4 different background versions) so the repeat is cleaner. But it's probably too specific for fabric. Better for a card or t-shirt design on the chest like the first one I did.
I'm leaning towards the gears version since I think that is much more usable as fabric. I have a few hours tonight to decide. I hate when I have multiple designs to choose from!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Recap of this week - sigh - so many things!
A lite version of my week recap:
1. Septoplasty results are still ever-changing. Monday I could breathe, Tue go forward I'm all stuffed up and my voice is not back yet. I am still having drainage down the back of my throat so I sound like I've been very sick with some kind of throat eating - she's got no uvula left - disease.
2. I went back to work on Tuesday after 2 weeks off due to the surgery. My work is crazy. They are insisting I MUST take family-leave even tho I do not qualify. What's more they are telling me every employee that takes leave is marked with FML when they go out for more than 1 week. This flies in the face of what is posted on the federal government site and on the state site.
3. My birthday came and went. Unremarkable, except that I got my splints out. Sigh.
4. My daughter was in an auto accident on Friday night - T-boned. She got a very slight neck sprain. Otherwise she is fine. The car she was riding in is smashed up.
5. Tues. she gets bit by a dog right above her cheek but below her eye. No stitches but she had to fill out paperwork about the incident. She knows the dog (since it was a puppy and now it's about 2 or 3). It's a Doxie. She went to kiss it and it bit her. This dog bit one of it's owners a week before, that wound required 4 stitches and was above the owners eye.
The owners are a little upset that because the daughter filled out the paperwork it's causing problems for the family. The dog is to be quarantined for 10 days and animal control is now involved. So far they haven't talked to me about the "causing problems" for them because for as much as I love them it's not her fault the dog took a bite out of 2 people in one week. It's not her fault she is required by law to fill out the paperwork. And it's not her fault they can't control their dog or take steps to minimize the havoc the dog has shown it can cause. And it's perfectly within my control and right to talk to their insurance company BUT I won't. Even tho the daughter will have a scar on her face. So the trouble isn't because of us or my daughter, it's their own negligence or ignorance about how dogs are treated by the law. I wasn't upset with them until I heard they were slightly upset at the daughter. Now I'm a little miffed and am waiting for one of them to say one word to me about it.
6. It's a 3 day weekend this weekend and I am glad. I want to mow the grass/weed in the front on Monday. But I need a lawn mower as ours is broken.
Monday, February 8, 2010
XO with Love to you from me
Yesterday I posted my 2 very blah Spoonflower Love contest entries. They were rather boring don't you think? The image below is the one I came up with yesterday after playing with a rose fill. I wanted something vibrant and something that symbolizes love and hearts just wasn't working for me. I wanted something highly graphic, and something fun. Here it is below:
It's called "XO with Love". The fill is roses. I loved the idea of a mandala within each hug and kiss and what better mandala than one made of the floral symbol for love? Mandalas signify a circle; completeness, unity, purity. The eXes and O's are a written form of our display of love and affection for one another. That they are on a black background shows how love springs from nothing into full-fledged bloom.
Bwhahahaha, not like anyone voting will be looking at all that underlying meaning but it is important to me.
So for my birthday I wish you all hugs, kisses and lots of love! xo
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Teaser for the Love contest at Spoonflower
It's rather pedestrian isn't it? I just wasn't feeling the Love. LOL, Love is the theme for this Spoonflower contest. Then I came up with this one:
mmmm, I didn't like that one either. Too, ummmm, cliche or something.
I started playing with some photos of roses because I wanted a flower fill to use for something. Maybe making a vector rose with roses as a fill? Nah, it looked terrible.
But tonight I came up with something. Yahoooo. I actually love it. :-) And nope, you can't see it tonight even tho I've uploaded it to my Spoonflower account. You'll just have to wait til tomorrow. hahahaha, I love a good teaser, even if I'm the only one who reads my blog!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Rainy thoughts
A couple of things due to rain:
1. The just-turned-18 year old daughter went to Disneyland yesterday. It's in another county so it's a drive. I hate when my kids drive around in bad weather, but they got there and returned ok so I was good once she called and said she was back in town.
Around 11 p.m. she called and said she'd been in a wreck. She was ok but her friends car was smashed. The other driver (a junior in high school) ran the light because when she put on the brakes the car kept going...into the intersection where it T-boned the car my daughter was in.
The roads in California get very slick when it rains. The oil on the pavement comes up to the top and becomes a very slick surface, you just glide on top of the road.
We drove over there, everyone was ok, all 6 kids (3 in each car). The daughter went to the ER, she complained of soreness. She's got a very slight neck sprain and she is a little sore. But she's good. I finally went to bed at 2:30 a.m.
2. This morning I put the puppy outside. Ok, he's 2 years old but he's still in that puppy stage. Anyway, he has to be on a lead cuz he's a runner. Not only is he a runner but he CLIMBS the fence. Yes, climbs it.
Because it was raining the lead is hooked to the carport. I want him to have somewhere dry to hang out if he's out there for more than a few mins. I put him out, I went to make coffee.
I went out to feed him as I walked out the door I saw him perched, yes perched on top of the fence - butt totally up in the air. I called to him and he jumped into the next yard. Dangerous yes. He's on a lead and he could strangle himself. It was pouring rain.
Well, it wasn't freezing out there so he was just going to have to stay out there til the rain slowed down. It did about 10 mins later and I went and retrieved him. Good thing the house next door is empty. But I was not happy with him. It didn't help that as I came up the driveway my head brushed against a tree branch and a bunch of water dumped on my head. I didn't talk to him for an hour. Not that he noticed, ya know.
3. Because of the rain and because I don't want to go out in it, I've been indoors for days. Hahaha, I'm always indoors. I love being at my house, inside my house more than going pretty much anywhere. I swear I must have some sort of form of Agoraphobia. Anyway, I've finally made a graphic that reflects the next fabric contest. I'm not terribly fond of it but it'll do. It's almost what I want but not. grrrr. This one frustrated me.
I go back to work on Tues. I am not looking forward to that. It's supposed to rain next week and really, I just want to win the lottery (I should actually break down and BUY a ticket or two) and stay home: live a life of leisure. Please?
Thursday, February 4, 2010
My Dusty Floral Dark fabric
COLOURlovers is a big enough site that it can have thousands of people logged on, see this note from this morning: "1,088 Active Lovers [Record: 2,316 on 5 March, 2009]"
There are thousands of fabric designs on Spoonflower - that someone found one of mine and loved the colors and design enough to use it in the blog post at COLOURlovers is way exciting. Below you can see the design (you'll have to go see the repeat in either the COLOURlovers link abvoe or here at my Spoonflower account.
I've worked on my Spoonflower Steampunk design for the past 2 days. I love the design, it's been great fun to do. It probably is better suited for a greeting card but unless I can come up with something cuter, it's what I'll enter. For sure I'll put it up on RedBubble, where I only have 2 things at the moment but will start uploading soon.
BTW, I just found the Spoonflower post that shows I placed 9th with my "Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My" fabric entry for the Children's Design contest. Out of 129 designs - that's not bad. It's not as high as I'd like to place (I am sooo competitive), but I will so take it. Maybe one day I'll hit upon the exact right combo of looseness and cuteness to up my game there. So far I've gotten 2nd, 20th and 9th (I think I might have gotten 10th on something, or I might be imagining that because I just can't exactly remember). I can say the more often my designs come up on peoples screens (no matter where I placed in a contest) the higher the percentages of sales and exposure. I'm so good with that!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
It's Tuesday right?
Every effective to get me to think about them and to ponder how I am...I'm awake now, that's how I am.
It hasn't been a problem for me to sleep in the morning now that most of the pain is gone and now it's all discomfort. It's actually easier for me to breathe if I lay down. All the snot (and yes, there is STILL snot) moves to the side so the nasal passages are a bit open. But once I get up, it's a sniffing snot and plugging up snot game.
Being off this week and feeling a bit better I needed something to do (well, not really DO, but something that passed the time). So I hooked up the tv I won at the television show taping. I want it on the tv stand but since there is a GIANT tv on the stand I couldn't put it there. (that giant tv has some kind of problem since it won't turn on). I asked the hub to move it but he said, "not tonight".
So it's sitting on top of a speaker, good thing it has a small base instead of the entire bottom of the tv being a base...cuz it actually fits there. Helps that it's a small tv.
I haven't watched tv in about 2 years. I mean not regularly. I will watch Glee but that's about it. I hate watching tv in the bedroom, the hub has control of that and I can't stand all the channel flipping and volume up and down he does. So tv hasn't been an option for me in a long time. Plus, like books, we have totally different tastes in tv watching so I don't bother.
Last night I watched about 2 hours of tv. 20 mins of Rachel Maddow, 30 mins of MSNBC something or other and I watched most of the Late Show. It wasn't all that exciting to sit around watching the tube. But at least I have it as an option for this week. My nose, where my glasses sit is killing me so I couldn't read and I was tired of playing on the computer.
I do love one show that I haven't seen in years. That is some craft show in HGTV. Since I was up early this morning I watched it and did enjoy that a lot. I do have to say it's weird having noise in a room that has been silent for a couple of years. It does intrude upon my need for silence.
That is another thing that is different about me and the rest of the family. My need for silence and their love of sound. All 3 of them have noise all the time: music or tv. Not me, it makes me crazy, all that noise.
I'm off to try and make a latte. I have no espresso beans ground at the right grind so it sorta tastes like warm milk.
Monday, February 1, 2010
one week later
It's probably too much to ask that the splint comes out today. btw, I called and they have to call me back because the nurse is busy.
Every night I have something to drink on the table next to me. I am so parched from not being able to breathe thru my nose. This morning I woke, grabbed it and drank and drank and drank. I could practically HEAR my tissues getting re-hydrated. The heater was on (the hub was getting ready for work) so I was dessicated.
Another realization: I do not have very many button down shirts. I'm not supposed to wear anything that goes over the head (although I am sure I have some things that have large enough necklines that it won't be a problem. But so far I've been staying with the few button up things I have. Because I hate to iron so I stay away from button down unless it's wrinkle free material...which all seems to be summer things. All my cardigans are V-neck but too low to wear without looking like some kind of hoochie-mama. Do you know I don't have a single zip up sweatshirt? That's weird.
Everything is easing up. I am glad I didn't have to go to work today. I'm still stuffy, I still feel like I have a bad cold and just yesterday my nose started leaking slightly bloody mucus again. Lovely. I am sneezing a lot. I'm thinking now that I am getting some air in my nose I'm also getting dust in there and making me sneeze. My house is overly dusty and I definitely think I'm allergic. Maybe that's why I always get headaches? Speaking of which, I've had a low-level headache all week - it gets worse at night.
That's my one week later report.
Hmmmm, I called them at 8:50 a.m. Didn't hear from them so called them just now. My appt has been rescheduled for the 8th at 10:30. I guess they forgot to call me to tell me. Well, better than being called to say I'm late!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
I really hope no germies got in there
My son has been sick with some kind of head/chest cold. On Thursday he asked if I'd give him a ride to the bus stop. Ok, I thought I could do it, I hadn't had any pain meds since the morning before and even tho I was in jammies and my hair was all wacky - who would see me?
I bundled up (it was threatening rain) and went out to the car. The son was out there coughing and hacking up goo. That's when I realized he was sick. Crap. I did not want to get into an enclosed car with him hacking germs.
But I did cuz he didn't feel good, it looked like rain and had to walk.
So I opened up all the windows hoping anything he spewed would fly out the windows.
That was the best plan I could come up with. Ok, so it's not optimal but it was a plan.
Last night I felt pretty good. My voice is all squeeky and deep at the same time but I talked to a couple of friends who checked in with me, I ate dinner, I read til the wee hours of the night. I even slept in til 9 (probably cuz I kept waking up, but still).
Right now my nose is re-filling with snot and my eyes hurt. Itchy hurt. I've sneezed a bunch today (still not good to do with splints and stitches and scabs and a swollen nose). And my throat is starting to hurt.
Maybe it's not a cold. Maybe it's just more drainage and it's making me feel ookie? Ewww, last night I sniffed up some saline (yes, I am supposed to do that to keep things moist in there) and OMG, the saline went right to the back of my throat on the left side and down my throat. I gagged and started to throw up. That was disgusting.
So maybe I'll go take a nap and feel better when I get up? I'm going to try that cuz I can't take anything but Tylenol and we don't have any straight Tylenol. I have some with Codeine from my 'script but I think that is overkill.
See ya later.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Which bug
The next Spoonflower contest is "Bugs". Over the last 8 or 9 days (or whenever they announced the category) I've been wracking my brains to do something that works for me. I've probably done 6 different attempts - figuring one of them would stick. It probably hasn't helped that I've been down and out recovering from surgery since Monday.
It's funny to try and second guess a market. I watch what is getting high marks and sometimes it throws me for a loop. Cute things get high marks, funky drawings get high marks (funky as in quirky, often hand drawn looking things), Japanese inspired (the cute stuff, not the kimono type stuff) gets high marks too. Looser drawings/paintings seem to be quite popular.
My stuff is usually pretty tight. Not loose at all, when it comes to drawing/coloring in. Also, my medium of choice (vector) doesn't always lend itself to a loose way - unless you are very skilled at that and I am not.
So here are 2 different tries for bugs.
The one above is sort of cutsy, ok, it's really cutesy. And I like it. But I'm not sure I like it enough to enter it. I do, but I also think it's not what I want to enter.
The one above here, the scarabs is a lot tighter. And I like the drama and that it's not cutsy really. But would it get votes? Probably not. I don't know why the image won't open if you click it. Here is a link to my Flickr page where you can see the larger detail. Click here.
hmmmm, which to enter? Or should I work a bit on the baby bugs and see if I can make that a bit more dynamic?
I've got 2 days to figure it out.
btw, I am going to start selling my designs thru So far I only have one thing up there and need to design using greeting card sizes instead of squares as my canvas. Here is my profile link to RedBubble - Click here.
Friday, January 29, 2010
septoplasty realizations
Despite the pain and agony of having deviated septum surgery there are some solidly good realizations that come to you while you are writhing in pain.
1. Everyone thinks you got a nose job because who would go thru this without some cosmetic improvement? Fer gawds sake I have a NOSE and it's not gonna look any better once the splints come out and all the swelling goes down. I might have to carry around my surgery orders that spell out: Septoplasty and Turbinectomy. Not Rhinoplasty. My nose will be just as full of character as always.
2. Somewhere between day 2 and day 4 your nose gets a sort of Tourtettes Syndrome. It makes noises on it's own. Crackles, pops, squeeks, and gurgling. All on it's own volition. It's a regular Chatty Cathy.
3. If you're thin you get to see what you look like if you gain 30 lbs in your face. It allows you to try on a new FAT nose (and find out you do not look so good with a fat nose). Saggy eyelids plump up to new heights! Even your lips plumb back up, too bad they look like Meg Ryan lips after a bad dose of filler.
4. You realize facial surgery is not for you.
5. Finding out breaking your nose is piddling pain compared to not being able to breathe cuz you've got snot and blood clots blocking every square inch of nostril. The pain of mouth-breathing along with a raw throat due to the breathing tube (did they scrub my throat with salt?) allows you to contemplate ripping your face off.
6. You are terrified of getting the splints removed but oddly want them out right this very minute. And you wonder if you can make something crafty out of the splints once they are out of your nose.
7. You realize your young looking and very angelic looking ENT doc is the devil in disguise. Maybe he'll look more angelic after the splints are removed and I can breathe.
8. You will lose at every game of online Scrabble if you play while on pain meds.
9. They don't tell you your teeth will hurt and your upper palate will become numb. Yet your nose is more tender than you'd ever believe. They also don't tell you that you won't be able to talk for days, at least not with a voice. Just whispers. That might actually make some people happy.
10. You will contemplate going outside on the 5th day even tho you have scabs ringing the nostrils. Your hair is bent all kinds of ways but you really, really don't care.
11. I have this weird smell in my left nostril. It's a gross smell and one I can't even describe. I hope it goes away. Who knew you could smell something while not being able to smell other things?
12. Oh, say goodbye to sleep for a while. And when it does come, it comes with snorts, snores and other weird noises and pursed lips.
I know I have other realizations, some funny, some not so funny. I just can't remember them now that I'm not in the middle of some snot or clot crisis.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
My Spoonflower childrens fabric entry
Prior to my surgery I entered a design into the Childrens Fabric contest at Spoonflower. Here is the link to vote, click here.
It's a print for both boys and girls. It has a few coordinating fabrics with it as well. Check out my flickr pages while you're there. If you see weird thumbnails on each of the coordinating fabrics ignore them...they aren't on the real files. Some weird glitch with Flickr.
There are TON's of good entries in this particular contest. Once again, I love my design but there are others I love (that I didn't do!). The contests are getting bigger, this time 130 entries. Hahahah, the more entries, the more difficult to win that is for sure. Spoonflower does allow each person to vote for more than one entry so I hope mine is always in favor somewhere in each voters vote. One can hope right?
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Pooling snot and mouth breathing
Third nap of the day. I am soooo tired.
Tonight I've been able to take some sips of soda out of a straw without feeling like I am choking. That is a big deal.
I tried reading for a while but my eyes won't focus. The husband was talking to someone on the phone in front of the computer so I laid down and fell asleep for a while. I think the only reason he left is the dog has atomic gas.
Luckily for me I can't smell a thing. The first good thing about septoplasty!
This mouth breathing thing is gawd-awful. Just thought you 'd want to hear that ONE more time.
People in my house keep turning the heater up to high and it's killing me. Normally I'm freezing but OMG, I am burning up like nobody's business. So I keep shutting it off altogether.
My body is being contrary. Can't read (when I have 4 books here waiting to be read), I can't drink when I've got gatorade, soda and coffee available to me. Oh and I made myself some homemade veggie soup last night. I know I was out of it but I so needed something to eat so I just threw stuff in and made it. So lots of liquid but still I am sooo thirsty. There isn't any added salt to the soup ('cept what is in the powdered broth, which is probably a lot now that I think of it) but generally I haven't had any salt. It's that damned mouth-breathing.
hahahaha, I have to keep tipping my head over to the side so mucus will slide to the side of my nostrils so there is a little air coming in. If my head is plain old upright it clogs really badly. Every teeny bit of air is helping me feel better. I need more.
I tortured myself earlier by watching youtubes of septoplasty things. I want this over with, well, really I want to feel better so I can enjoy my time away from work. I have a total of 2 wks (which of course 3 days is gone into the ether) and I don't want every moment of it to be feeling terrible.
I wish my headache would take a hike.
Ok, I am off to go lay down again. Too much snot pooling.
Day 3 early evening
Second nap today. Slept for 3 hours. Probably cuz I took a pain pill. I am getting claustrophobic when I can't breathe. I started to have a full-blown anxiety attack today because of it. That's why I took a pain pill and went to sleep. Septoplasty is not for the weak constitution that is for sure.
My left nostril is really painful. The throat is easing up some but now I feel like I'm getting sick. I'm probably not, it just feels like I have the most miserable cold since I'm all stuffy with gunk sliding down the back of my throat. Some times I feel like I have to throw up (probably all that mucus and blood). Also have a headache that comes and goes.
The drainage is still heavy although there is less blood, sorta kinda. It's best when I lie down, less blood and mucus sliding down my nostrils. Evidently every time you move it makes the blood pump more volume and out it goes thru the incision. I was so hoping that by this time all this discharge would be gone. Nope, doesn't feel like it's every gonna stop. I looked on the internet to see if it's normal and yeah, I guess it is. So is feeling like shit for days and days. Ding dang it.
I still cannot taste (except for sweet and salty) no flavor just intense sweetness or saltiness. My coffee tastes like nothing. My work was nice and sent me a fruit basket but it just feels like slime in my mouth. LOL, no taste.
Ach, I feel like I am complaining and complaining. Nothing good so far so I guess it's just par for the course. I'm not quite feeling up to being all nice and grateful since I just feel swollen, pain, pressure, headache, numbness, nausea and brain-fog. I'm not even able to read for more than a few mins. Not books anyway.
I wonder if I can take Advil instead of Tylenol with Codeine? I'm not a fan of Tylenol but I guess I might be able to take that without Codeine (if I had any).
Day 3 morning
For a little while (moments really) I could almost breathe this morning. Tantalizing.
Our power was supposed to be out this morning at 8 a.m. We got a notice on Monday. But so far the power is on. Maybe it's because we're on the power lines on the street behind us? Maybe they thought our power came from the same source as everyone else on our street? Our house sits so far back on our property we're closer to the street behind us than the one we're actually on.
I can see the power line worker on the pole right in our back yard. I sure do hope he knows our power is on and live.
My nose is raw. There is one spot that feels like there is an icepick poking into it. Some time in the middle of the night I touched it cuz it woke me up and hurt like nobodys business. I'm still so stuffed up it feels like I'm choking if I drink anything. I know when we swallow we hold our breaths (try it) but still it's like I can't get any air and it feels like I'm starting to panic.
Well, I am going to go take a nap. I woke up every hour last night, which means I got more sleep than not and way more sleep than the night before but still I am dragging my butt and my eyes are going wiggy. g'night.
An hour at a time
Hmmm, tonight I seem to have set my internal alarm to wake me up once every hour. 11:30, 12:30, 1:30 and now 2:30.
Feeling better in teeny little increments. Hope they get bigger every hour.
See you in a hour! (hopefully not but just in case ya know).
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Day 2
I cannot smell a single thing. My nose is stuffed full of crap still. Sore and stuffy. Throat is easing up some. Still can't speak except in a hoarse whisper.
the trash can is getting full of bloody gauze.
Off to bed, hopefully I'll sleep tonight. please.
Really need air and to pay attention to the right words
I wrote that last post around 11 p.m. I slept for 30 mins (sort of) and woke myself up snoring. Can't go back to sleep. My face hurts and my nose is so clogged with blood clots and mucus it's not even funny. It was crackling a while back and I could feel it filling up backwards.
My mouth and throat is so dry it's not funny. The hub bought me some apple juice but it's so, sweet it's like drinking sugar. I can't drink it. I tried some of the trader joe apple juice but for every sip I took I sneezed twice. I am so not kidding. Sneezing is horrible, you are not allowed to close your mouth ( I did the first time cuz I forgot) and quickly realized my error. So maybe I am allergic to something in that juice?
My nose is unbelievably swollen, it's all fat. My face is sorta swollen too. Sadly I am feeling miserable.
Also, I was sitting here thnking I wrote palette instead of palate in my last post. I have to check, I'm sure I did, so just excuse the typo I must have been thinking about color palettes while I was talking about my upper palate.
Which by the way is still numb. My teeth feel really weird because it's numb. I wasn't warned about this but I did read about it on the internet tonight when I was looking to see if THIS much bloody discharge is normal, Apparently it is. Jeez.
Ok, let me try to go to sleep again,
Monday, January 25, 2010
I need air
Yikes, I had surgery today. To fix my deviated septum and core out the turbinates. I asked him to be very conservative on the turbinates. He did mostly the left side since they seemed to be very swollen from working so hard.
Waking up was terrible. I had to have a tube in my throat so it feels like it was scraped raw and they rubbed salt in it. My face hurt, my teeth hurt! And yes, my nose hurts.
I wasn't bleeding til after I left the surgery center. I've been bleeding since around 3:30. It gushes and then I can feel this trickle down into the dressing underneath my nose. It's gross.
At the moment I cannot breathe out of my nose at all. It's all plugged up with clots of blood (ye haw!). I wasn't going to take any pain meds (hate pain meds) but I ended up taking Tylenol with Codeine because they assured me it wouldn't make me woosy (which is why i hate pain meds). It hasn't made me woosy, and it slightly dulls the pain for the first hour and half but then it goes back to being painful.
I have vicodin, but I hate vicodin. I KNOW it works good, but really I hate the feeling of being so drugged that I can't walk straight. I KNOW it doesn't do that to a lot of people but it does it to me. So I'll deal with the pain with the lighter drug, I'm sure I'll be fine after the next 24 or 48 hours.
I thought I'd be off for a week, but no, it's gonna be 2 wks. I'm not allowed to do anything strenuous, cuz it can start up the bleeding again.
I am so tired, I think I will try and go to sleep now. Sleep has been eluding me. Also, I have to sleep sitting up. It's gonna be a long night I think.
But eventually there will be air at the end of the tunnel.
Friday, January 22, 2010
4 and a half things
1. No internet last night - sheesh, too much rain and it (Charter cable) goes out. But not the tv. grrrr.
2. I had to change my blog setting to accept only registered owners. Too many anon people posting crap in my comments. Pain in the butt. So you can't comment anon here anymore.
3. Today a faculty member called me. The moment I answered the phone he started talking. He never took a breath, he just talked. Told me his Ph.D friend was very sick, was dx'ed w/ 5 different diseases. He told me all 5 of them (although all I can remember is diabetes) and she is losing her faculties. She used to be very brilliant and with it but now is not and he is trying to help her. She has so many doc appts and she needs some help. So could I tell him which taxi company in town could pick her up and deliver her to her many doc appts without ripping her off?
Me: Ahhhh, ummmm, you know you've reached the marketing and media relations office right?
Him: Yes, I was transferred to you after telling this same story to the operator.
Me: Well, I am sorry but this office can't help you and I can't help you because I'm just a regular person who has never taken a taxi in this city and would not be able to make any kind of recommendation.
Him: Well, I was transfered to you!
And then he hung up on me.
Yikes, I am very sorry about his friend but I do not know what possessed him to think anyone in any position here could help him. We do not have any kind of service like that and what kind of trouble would I be in if I did tell him some company and it ripped off his friend?
Why would he think marketing could help him?
3.5 Yesterday some business owner called up and wanted to know what she had to do to get us to market her business to students on the campus.
Ahhhh, well we don't market for other companies, we market the university so I am afraid I cannot help you.
What was she thinking? Weird.
4. I am off for the next week of work. Having surgery on Monday.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Storms and migraines
Southern Calif has been pounded by rainstorms. Seriously. So much rain we can't handle because our ground just can't absorb it all. So it starts pooling and then in some areas starts the dirt sliding. Mudslides and flash floods.
Over the weekend it rained and rained. Flooded our laundry room. Today was dry most of the morning but around 1 p.m. it started coming down, and down and down with accompanying thunder booming and lightning flashing. The dogs were wild. All except one who can no longer hear the thunder. She just followed along with all the other cowering dogs, but her tail was wagging while the others tucked their tails.
We have this tree in our front yard. It sits at an acute 60 degree angle. And leans towards the cars. We're always afraid it's going to go over one on one of the cars. We also have a mature sycamore. The branches on sycamores are pretty dry and they fall off on occasion.
About 1:30 the rain started drumming on the roof so loudly you had to practically yell to be heard. The pitch changed and it sounded like hail Sure enough it was hail coming down. The trees were being whipped into a frenzy (there was a tornado warning in the next county over). It was wildly fierce. We stood in the doorway watching it. I watched the trees, vowing I'd move my car when it stopped.
After 20 or 30 mins it calmed down to just a sprinkle and no wind. We took the daughter to her doc appt. It was her visit to the neuro and just this morning she had a migraine.
Her doc changed her migraine meds to AXERT® (almotriptan malate tablets). We'll see how well these work. at 45.00 they'd better work. thats the covered price thru insurance.
He also have her a sample of something else but I forgot to write it down before I gave them to her to put in her purse. Whatever it is, we were warned that it takes up to an hour and a half to start working. Not sure that will work for her because her migraine starts about 30 to 45 mins after aura. When I remember to ask her the name I'll post it here.
She also had to get a new Depakote 'script and blood tests to see how her liver was doing.
I discussed the differences between her getting Toradol instead of the last stuff they gave her which was a pretty heavy narcotic. Since Toradol works for her without making her drugged I prefer (and so does she) her to get that. He told her to make sure she told whoever was giving her the drugs to give her Toradol instead of the narcotic. Whew.
So tomorrow there is supposed to be a much larger storm coming in. I'll be at work so I hope the dogs are mostly calm (and indoors!).
Kvetching: Borders
I love bookstores. I spend more time in bookstores than any other kind of store. I read 2 or 3 books a week. Plus magazines. Which means, I spend quite a bit on money* at the book store. I'm extremely lucky to have a Borders within walking distance. Almost all of our entertainment and general shopping is done at this same complex so I'm in there at least every 10 days.
My kvetching has to do with coupons and Borders. I have one of their Borders Rewards cards. It's a free program. It used to give me a percentage of every book in the form of credit at the end of the year. The first year I did that I racked up over 150.00 of credit. Helped me buy Christmas gifts that year. One of the clerks said he'd only seen one other person with that much credit in his store. Borders stopped that after that first year. I'm thinking it got wayyyy too expensive. So they changed it to getting a 5.00 credit every $150.00 you spend (of qualifying merchandise). Which sucks. But it is a bit of a savings for me.
Barnes and Noble has a much better discount program (and a much larger store than my local Borders). See it here, click. I can easily earn back the 25.00 you have to pay for the card. 10% off paperbacks and 20% off hardcovers that are not best sellers. 40% off hardcover best sellers.
So here is my BIG kvetch: Why can't Borders give me discount coupons that normally come in my email if I have a Rewards Card? Currently you must print the coupon and carry it around with you and present it to the cashier. Why? If they can track the number of books I buy why can't they track whether or not I've used that weeks coupon?
It would save paper, paper that lands in a landfill or has to be processed for recycling. I would buy more books if I didn't have to keep track of paper in my purse that is no longer valid or which I forgot to print. If I don't have a coupon I don't buy, I wait. I'll borrow a book to get me thru the dry spot of no reading material. The paper waste is huge I think, not to mention me having to use printer ink & paper for a danged coupon adds to the landfill/recycling issues.
I buy less due to Borders inefficient program. Take that!
Now my second kvetch (which I think I've bitched about before) stop publishers from printing new books in the larger paperback format. We pay approx. 15.00 for a book that uses fewer pages yes, but is almost 50% higher priced than a regular paperback which costs 8.00.
I'm thinking I need to use the library and get books for free. And I won't be adding to landfills.
*I used to BUY all my books at the book store but now I'm trading books with a couple of my girlfriends. A whole lot cheaper that way.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
A limited palette design
My most recent entry for a Spoonflower fabric contest. The rules were a limited palette, 4 colors. Later they stated we could use white and different transparencies of each of the colors. I stuck with the original colors as I did the design before they made chose clarifications.
I like the design more than I thought I would because of the colors. The leaves are a green I would not have chosen to go with these colors but I wanted to work it in somehow.
I contemplated not using it at all, but that's less of a challenge for me (although 3 colors, 2 of which are rather dark is a challenge in itself).
I'll post the link to the contest tomorrow when it's published. It will be good for about 5 days. If you choose to vote you can vote for as many designs as you on a design and it will put a checkmark at the top left of each design and will be counted as soon as you hit submit. Soooo, don't hit submit until you've looked at them all and you know what you're voting for. Vote for me! LOL. Here is the link. Click here.
There is a bit of a controversy over at Spoonflower. Mostly people are not talking about it on the blog but they are emailing one another. The contests have rules but the rules are apparently very soft. There are two or three entries this time that either added extra colors into their designs or used none of the colors that were given for the limited palette. Those very few entries are causing the quiet ruckus. Spoonflower does not eliminate the designs that do not meet the criteria, they let them in saying that it's up to "you" to decide what is a winner.
I'm one who is critical of allowing those who didn't meet the criteria. The rest of us did the challenge and are perfectly willing to have those who are voting decide who is the most creative using the limited colors and motifs. It was a hard challenge to use those colors. If the rules are allowed to be broken, not just bent but broken they should just have a weekly contest with no guidelines. Allow voters to decide who is most creative or has the best design. Just my humble opinion.
Oh well, it's their contest they can handle it the way they want.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Back with a new look
The holidays are over. I spent the first week freaking out because none of my shopping was done. The second week I recovered.
I changed my blog background, made it wider and it took me all day.
I'm suffering with sciatica at the moment. My leg keeps giving out. Hmmmm, cuz I slipped at Kim's on her slippery floor in my heels? Or because I've been sitting on my butt? Or because I am going back to work on Monday?
Am wishing I win 20 million dollars soon. By the time I have another birthday!
Oh and if you noticed I was offline, I was. Nothing personal, everyone was locked out. But now I am back.