Friday, February 19, 2010

Prelim Boba entry for Spoonflower

I haven't had a lot of time to sit down and work on this but I have been working on it for a couple of days...just an hour here or there tho. It will be my entry for the Spoonflower/Boba carrier contest.

Boba makes these great baby carriers and they are working in tandem with Spoonflower to come up with a center panel for it, using someone's winning design.

The rules are that the fabric design needs to appeal to both children and parents alike. That's a hard one. Especially since it feels like Boba appeals to a certain sensibility. Hip and socially/environmentally conscious. So I'm not sure if I've hit upon the right design. Here it is below. Ignore the white strip, it's a placeholder where the cross-strap is sewn across the back. Also ignore the 3 little white lines, that will be gone. I'll be adding things over the weekend so it's not really finished but it is finished enough to show where I'm going with this.

My feeling is parents will be able to point out animals all over the panel. My kids loved looking for things and mimicking the animal. I hope to put enough animals on it to make it fun.

Oh, btw, the print is very small at the moment. I'm working small since my pc doesn't like me to work large. The best thing about vector work is I can resize without any loss of quality so enlarging it once I'm done will be pretty easy.

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