Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Graduation night

I have to post about the babygirl daughter graduating from high school tonight...but I'm tired and must go to bed. Just know for now, I'm astounded that she's graduated because I cannot believe it's been enough years! Time flies.

Tomorrow, I'll post.

It's tomorrow: She was beautiful and radiant and so poised. I spotted her in the line pretty early, I know my babygirl and her walk. And she got a migraine right before she was to walk. Her choir teacher found out and gave her a granola bar which oddly enough did help her a little.

Almost 700 graduates walked last night. Pretty impressive. We got to see her come out of her row to sing with the choir a couple of times.

We sat at the top of the stadium so we'd have a wall to lean on instead of getting poked in the back by other peoples knees. We had a perfect view. The people in front of us had air horns...eeek. They got yelled at..."I'll kick you all out if you use those horns." said the woman. Our new air horn friends honked their horns for our daughter when we began yelling for her. LOL, normally I hate air horns but since I wasn't pushing that button it was ok. bwhahaha.

Afterwards we ate sushi, I took her back to school to get on one of the 7 chartered buses. They drove to an after hours nightclub (open only for her HS grad night) where they apparently danced the night away.

I woke up at 3:3o or so and texted her, asking if she had fun. Yes, she replied. I tossed and turned the rest of the night thinking about her being out of HS and wondering what she'll be doing for the rest of the summer.

I can't even believe we're out of the HS student phase. OMG.

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