Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Thoughts 34

I'm laughing because at 5:26 p.m. the big boss told me I might as well go home because there wasn't anything happening.

Did I mention I normally get off work at 5:30?

New Topic:
I have book club in 3 wks. Am looking around the yard trying to figure out what I can do before then to make it look better. Hmmmmmm.

New Topic:
I tried to go to Staples so I could buy a black printer cartridge. The train (which was sitting on the tracks when I got home from work (4 mins early!) was still sitting on the tracks when I left for the store 30 mins later. Needless to say I am cut off from the other side of the tracks. I returned home without a printer cartridge.

New Topic:
I have to read Dan Brown's book: Angels and Demons by Friday evening. I read 68 pages last night. Don't like this one so far. Might have to fight myself to finish it by Fri.

New Topic:
My son called last night (I think it was last night) and told his dad he climbed Half Dome. I looked at pictures and it made me sweat. Doesn't help I've read articles about how dangerous it is and there is no warnings or rangers there to supervise. I guess I'd rather not know what he is doing if it involves anything dangerouse.

Related Topic: Over the weekend the son took the car and visited his girlfriend who lives about 40 miles away. He came home about 3:30 a.m. and told he he'd gotten pulled over and was given a breathalizer test. Apparently he drifted into another lane so the CHP thought he might be drunk. The son does not drink (or do any drugs) so he was safe from that and of course passed. He admitted that he was tired but now I worry because he still didn't seem that concerned that he was tired enough to drift into another lane. He did not get a ticket for drifting and I have no idea if the cop lectured him for driving while tired. I hope he did.

That's all my thoughts for now. I wonder if that train is gone yet?

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