Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Change is good

The past 2 days have been cold, rainy-ish and overcast. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 88. Crazy.

This weekend is book club, just the 3 of us. And yes, we read the book that the eyeroller suggested and it was good. I really enjoyed it.

Not sure if we're doing it Fri or Sat. Sat is better I think for me and one other. We just have to figure out if the 3rd one can do it.

Terri is suggesting we change our book club name. It's a good idea although I am attached to the other one.

But change is good.


Billy Canary said...

what was it called?

VO said...

The Bitches From Hell of course.

Billy Canary said...

and yer gonna change it?

VO said...

Even if we do it doesn't remove the essence of who we are. Hahaha.