Friday, April 3, 2009

MIL update again

Yesterday the doc office called the hub to tell him the MIL was being moved to a rehabilitation place.  They also said they weren't all that optimistic that she was going to recover from the dementia.  That there might be a slight improvement but maybe not.

I feel terrible about it.  She'd be horrified to know she's not all there in the way we knew her.  And her dementia is very much about anxiety.  Things that threaten her, that make her scared.  She's felt enough fear that she thinks she has to escape, is falling, that people are "watching" her.  

Why can't her dementia be one where she thinks she is eating yummy ice cream or watching her grandkids put on shows or her kids singing in a musical?

One good thing is she often "hears" music - La Boheme comes up a lot when she "hears" music.  

Her birthday is the 11th of this month.  Maybe she'll improve enough that she'll know she made it to 85 and she can talk a few more times to the grandkids and her kids.  I know my daughter is upset about Grammy.  She needs more time with her Grammy.  

Well, this morning I am driving the hub and daughter to work/school so I have a way to work.  My car is none operational. 

1 comment:

Donita Curioso said...

Hoo boy. It all sounds way too familiar. Man, it sure happened fast. You guys are in for a long haul, I'm afraid.

When Dad had his stroke he went completely bonkers. But after a while the docs found the right drug combination and he was stable for several months. He was still bonkers but he was jolly. I hope they can figure out the MIL's meds so she can get some relief from fretting.