Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Today I found out that Michael B died yesterday or last night. That makes me so sad, he was our Elmo bud, fellow actor, funny guy who called himself the Biggest Jew in the World.

Even tho I haven't seen him in a few years I miss his presence already.

I couldn't call Gary and tell him. I am too chicken. I emailed his son and asked him to do it. He said he was too chicken to do it too but he would. I know this news will choke him with emotion.

I hope Michaels wife will be ok. I know she's done her very best to keep him around, keep him recooping and all the hard work that she's had to do the last few years that he had his health problems.

I wish we'd have gone to see him. I'm waiting to hear details of his memorial.

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