Thursday, January 8, 2009

Good smells

Good food smells:

Onions, garlic and mushrooms sizzling in a pan. 

Cinnamon/cloves - pies, yams, tea anything with that combo.

Turkey dinners


Grilled anything: bbq

Citrus (all)

Black licorice

Chili and lime

Things that are not food related:

The scent of spicy roses and/or carnations.

Fresh laundry


Dittos (from the way back machine!)

Alka-selzer (that's a funny one huh?)

The air after a rain when it's hot.

Citrus leaves when you crush them.



Donita Curioso said...

Good choices on the good smells. Black licorice isn't one of my favorites. In fact, back in the ol' LP days I had to hold my breath when I was filling the licorice jar. Remember those big boxes of licorice?

Puppies! That reminded me- Babies! Especially the top of a newborn's head. Man, that is like a drug.

Ooh, I just thought of another bad smell. This is one of my childhood traumas. Canned spinach. YUCKTOOEY! My dad used to make me eat it and I'd almost barf every time. It's one of the things that made me hate him when I was a kid.

Ooh! Another good smell! Remember fresh mimeographs? Mmmmmm.... Whenever they'd pass out papers in elementary school all the kids used to sniff them and smile. Man, what was THAT about?

VO said...

I remember those boxes and filling the container up with my bare hands. LOL.

LOL, I like canned spinach. I don't have any fondness for the scent (or hatred either), but I can see how being forced to eat something like that could tramatize a kid.

Mimeographs: Yah, that's what I called Dittos in my post. I should call them mimeographs since that's what they really are. Loved that smell.

Donita Curioso said...

Ah, now I get it.

VO said...

Ewwwwww, surely you didn't think ditto pants did you?

I never once bought a pair of dittos. one of my claims to fame.

Donita Curioso said...

No, I think I just glossed over that part of the post. I was barely aware of Ditto pants back then. But after I thought about it a little bit I remembered that yes, we used to call mimeographs dittos. And they smelled delicious. I wonder what that chemical was and how many brain cells did we lose sniffing those things?

Donita Curioso said...

I'll google it and see what I can find.

Donita Curioso said...

Whoa! Google "mimeograph smell" and you get all kinds of stuff.

The wonderful smell came from the duplication fluid used in Ditto machines. it was a combination of methanol and isopropanol. Oh yes, we were frying our little brains.

The Ditto machine was invented in 1923. The mimeograph was invented in 1884!

VO said...

I did google just now. Turns out mimeographs and dittos are slightly different.

I remember dittos and the purple ink. I have no idea if the scent if from the ink or the wax?

But I remember loving to turn the crank on the machine because each page came out smelling like ditto and the pages were slightly cold.

Funny to think that was 40 years ago and maybe even more than 40 (since I would have been 11 and I know I helped with the ditto machine when I was in 2nd grade 1964/65)