Sunday, January 18, 2009


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it supposed to be January?  Winter, coldish.  Freezing ass coldish if I remember my weather facts correctly.  It's been in the 80's for the last 2 weeks.  Really.

I would use the word "seriously" in place of "really" but it's soooo over done by anyone who watches Greys Anatomy so I cannot on principle use the word.

I'm renaming this month Junary.  I woke up at 5:30 a.m. (no idea why) and checked to see if the son was home from LA because if he was I had to check to see if the gate was open or closed because that one time he forgot and I let the dogs out and had to run 100 yards in my pj's and wild hair to close the gate before the boy dogs discovered the open gate to freedom.  

It was hard to see the gate because of the fog.  Yes, June gloom fog.  The gate was closed so the dogs went out to their captive freedom.  They disappeared into the fog at about 30 feet.  

As I cruised the internet the window right behind this monitor brightened with sunlight.  And it warmed up the room. I'm sitting in this room in the early morning hours and the heater is not turned on.  And it's supposed to be January.

But it's more like June in January.  At the moment the front door is open to let the weather in....something I normally detest in January.  

So I'm renaming the month.  I wonder if it'd catch on?


Donita Curioso said...

Sounds good to me. I might even call it Julyuary. Is this it? Is winter over? Are we going to jump straight into summer?

VO said...

I almost did call it Julyuary but since we had the June gloom fog this morning...and it didn't quite get up to 95 degrees. It was a hard call.

I'm not missing Jan., Feb. 'cept my bday), or Mar. But I will miss April and May if we jump straight away to June/July.